دكتور/ شادي حمدالله سيداحمد محمد
Dr. Shadi hamdalla Sayed Ahmed Mohamed
مصر - القاهرة
جامعة حلوان كلية السياحة والفنادق
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2022 ARID Registration Date :
نقاط النشاط التواصلي : 3.45 A-Index :
معامل التواصل العلمي : 1.10C-Index :
المتابعون: 1Followers :
عدد الأوسمة: 2Badges :
عدد زوار الصفحة الشخصية : 405Visitors :
المسجلون في المنصة عبر حساب الباحث : 0Registered Users through the researcher :

النبذة المختصرة

I have obtained a Bachelor's degree with honors, and I have a proven track record of activities in my field and outside of my field. I have been honored by the administration of the college and my department more than once as a result of my academic excellence and being ranked first in my class. Apart from these achievements, I want to get a new opportunity because of my persuasion and listening skills and the ability to communicate effectively to ensure quality in your organization, which is known for its excellence and innovation.