عنوان المقالة:مقاربة مفاهيمية حول التقويم البديل كتوجه حديث في التقويم التربوي A Theoretical Approach To Alternative Evaluation As A Modern Trend In Educational Evaluation
بن ختو عصام | benkhettou issam | 1147
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
بن ختو عصام مقداد أميرة
English Authors
benkhettou issam megdad amira
The current research paper aims to focus on a modern trend in educational evaluation, namely alternative evaluation. It is based on the assumption that knowledge is constructed and developed by learners through their learning experiences and academic progress. This can be assessed through active engagement in tasks and activities such as research, investigation of complex problems, field experiments and performance in real world tasks, the aim is to assess the learners cognitive and technical competence in order to enhance and develop these skills. Alternative evaluation has expanded beyond measuring academic achievement in different subjects to include various aspects of the learner personality. As a result, its scope has widened and its methods and techniques have become more diverse alternative evaluation is based on actual performance evaluation. And includes performance-based evaluation, paper and pencil evaluation, portfolio evaluation, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, observation-based evaluation, self-evaluation strategies and competency evaluation
The current research paper aims to focus on a modern trend in educational evaluation, namely alternative evaluation. It is based on the assumption that knowledge is constructed and developed by learners through their learning experiences and academic progress. This can be assessed through active engagement in tasks and activities such as research, investigation of complex problems, field experiments and performance in real world tasks, the aim is to assess the learners cognitive and technical competence in order to enhance and develop these skills. Alternative evaluation has expanded beyond measuring academic achievement in different subjects to include various aspects of the learner personality. As a result, its scope has widened and its methods and techniques have become more diverse alternative evaluation is based on actual performance evaluation. And includes performance-based evaluation, paper and pencil evaluation, portfolio evaluation, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, observation-based evaluation, self-evaluation strategies and competency evaluation
Publication Date
Tributaries journal For studies and scientific research in social and human sciences مجلة روافد للدراسات و الأبحاث العلمية في العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume No
Issue No
839- 854
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alternative evaluation; modern trend; educational evaluation; competence evaluation