One of the main concerns of humankind is the energy, which is need to prepare food
and other requirements that are necessary to live and progress. There are multifarious
kind of energy source, one of the acceptable kind of them is steam power which use in
steam turbines to yield electrical energy. Improving the efficiency rate of steam turbines
can upgrade the capacity of the energy that can be obtain from it. One of the main
aspects which reduce the efficiency of the steam turbines is the vibration, especially the
torsional vibration. There are used different method to calculate the proposed vibration
such as HOLZER method and finite element method. To corroborate the calculation
which are done based on the analytical and numerical method, usually the system is
simulated in software like MSC ADAMS and ANSYS. The aforementioned process
helps the steam turbine’s constructors to build high efficient steam turbines.
In this study, N330-16.7/538/538 a 330MW Reheat Condensing Steam Turbine is
considered as a case study. To calculate the vibration effect on the proposed steam
turbine’s shaft, direct and indirect, Fixed - Fixed, Fixed -Free, Free- Fixed, MATLAB
code, Eigen value problem and HOLZER method are used. To corroborate the proposed
vibration’s calculation, the under-study steam turbine is simulated in MSC ADAMS
To simulate the proposed system in the MSC ADAMS software, a model of the
system made using CAD model is designed in the CATIA software and then the
constraints and joints are added to the system. Moreover, the shaft of the under-study
steam turbine is converted to a flex body. A lot of factors such as friction, damping ratio
are considered in the system to achieve the best results which can use to construct a real
system. Finally, the results which are obtained based on numerical and analytical
calculation and the simulation are compared together, and the simulation results verified
the calculation ones.