This paper, deals with the linear infinite dimensional distributed parameter systems in a Hilbert space where the dynamics of the system is governed by strongly continuous semi-groups. More precisely, for parabolic distributed systems the characterizations of regional boundary strategic sensors have been discussed and analyzed in different cases of regional boundary observability in infinite time interval. Furthermore, the results so obtained are applied in two-dimensional systems and the sensors are studied under which conditions guarantee regional boundary observability in a sub-region of the system domain boundary. Also, the authors show that, the existence of a given sensor for the diffusion system is not strategic in the usual sense, but it may be regional boundary strategic of this system.
الملخص الانجليزي
هذا البحث يتناول الانظمة التوزيعية الخطية ذات الابعاد اللانهائيةفي الفضاء هلبرت حيث الديناميكيات للمنظومة مغطاة بواسطة المؤثر شبة الزمره.