عنوان المقالة:ارتباط التغاير الجيني في سلسلة المايوسين الثقيلة مع تطور الفشل الكلوي ASSOCIATION BETWEEN MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN POLYMORPHISM AND PROGRESSION OF RENAL FAILURE
اعتمد البحث على تحليل الانماط الجينيه المختلفة لسلسلة المايوسين الثقيلة باستخدام تقنية البلمرة المتسلسل وعلاقتها بتطور الفشل الكلوي وبينت الدراسة ان النمط الجيني TT rs4821480 يعتبر عامل خطورة وله دور في تطور المرض مقارنه بالانماط الاخرى
الملخص الانجليزي
ABSTRACT : “MYH9gene” is responsible for encoding non muscle myosin heavy chain protein that “expressed” in the
“kidney, platelets and liver and in smaller amounts in the thymus, spleen, and intestine”. The expression of that protein
in the podocytes which are highly specialized cell, because of capacity to ultrafilter blood and support “glomerular
capillary pressures”. Unbalanced and irregular in MYH9 geneexpression, or change in its positioning, or task.these
transformationcause “cytoskeleton damage, causing proteinuria:, hematuria, or “renal failure”. Renal failure is the
result of a squally of different illnesses and accidents that affect directly or indirectly on the renal system. Kidney which
has an vitalcharisma in regulating many body functions, so its deterioration leads to the deterioration of the whole
human body, renal failure is considered incurable and need hard-hitting ways to avoid it or to compensate the function
of the kidney. To evaluate the role of MYH9 SNP on developing of renal failure. The study depending on “methodology
of Case-control study”, hundred subjects involved; 50 “patients”complainig renal failure who attended Marjan Medical
City in Hilla,Iraq and 50 apparently healthy controls. DNA was extracted venous blood. The “MYH9 gene polymorphisms”
were recognizedby applying the procedure of “polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism”
(PCR-RFLP). Data analyses statically Statistical using SPSS. Genotype at rs4821480in patients with RF: genotyping
were TT (59%), GT (34%) and GG (6.0%) and for control TT(45%)GT(40%), GG(15%). This analysis of data indicated
the TT genotype homozygote at rs4821480 convenesin dependently a threating of RF than does the GT and GG genotypes.
There is no significant correlation between alleles distribution and age, sex, resident, jobs, smoking habit, family history,
body mass index (BMI), medical history (P>0.05). The genotyping of the MYH9 SNP rs4821480 help to identify individuals
at risk of developing progression in renal function and increase the susceptibility for developing renal function