This study aimed at analyzing and comparing the mission statements, goals and
objectives of selected public and private universities in the Middle East. A sample of four Middle
Eastern countries was chosen for this study (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and
Yemen). The first public and first private universities founded in each of these countries were
chosen for this study.
This study used a qualitative approach to content analysis, the data were organized in
categories, and the emerging categories in the mission goals of the universities are: development
and community services, international activities, preserving national culture, and links to
industry/ business.
The findings of this study are organized around the economic vs. cultural categories and
national vs. regional vs. global categories. These categories are in line with issues that many
universities around the world are considering in their priorities.
The main difference between the mission statements of the investigated universities and other one
is that these universities pay more attention to the role of the university in preserving culture-
Arab and Islamic