The primary focus of this study was to determine the existence if any of the relationship between sex-role characteristics and the leadership behavior among faculty members at the Hashemite University in Jordan. The study involved 170 faculty members who self-rated their sex-role characteristics and their leadership behavior. Specifically, the study determined if a significant correlation existed between transformational leadership, transactional leadership total scores and sub-scores and femininity and masculinity scores.
The BEM Sex-RoleInventory–Short Form, and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form 6S (MLQ-6S) were used in this study.
The results showed that Transformational Leadership behavior was more dominant among faculty members at the Hashemite University than Transactional leadership behavior. Also, the results revealed that masculinity was more dominant than femininity among faculty members. No significant correlation existed between transformational, transactional leadership total scores, sub-scores, and femininity and masculinity scores of the faculty members. In the light of the research findings, some recommendations were made.