زكية عبد القادر حموش
Zakia Hammouch
[email protected]
المغرب - الرشيدية
جامعة مولاي اسماعيل كلية العلوم والتقنيات )الرشيدية
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2016 ARID Registration Date :
نقاط النشاط التواصلي : 0.90 A-Index :
معامل التواصل العلمي : 1.02C-Index :
عدد الأوسمة: 3Badges :
عدد زوار الصفحة الشخصية : 3163Visitors :
المسجلون في المنصة عبر حساب الباحث : 1Registered Users through the researcher :

النبذة المختصرة

Zakia Hammouch received her M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from University of Picardie Jules Verne France. She received habilitation degree from Moulay Ismail University, Morocco in 2015. She is currently Associate Professor at Faculty of Sciences and Techniques University of Moulay Ismail, Morocco. Prof Zakia Hammouch has published over 60 journal papers and chapters in reputed journals and books. She is editorial member of more than 10 international journals, a reviewer of 35 international journals of mathematics and mechanical engineering and a member of scientific committee of more than 20 international conferences. Her research interests include : Computational mathematics, biomathematics, nonlinear dynamics, fractional calculus, chaos theory, control and synchronization, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, soliton theory.


- Matlab & Mathematica - البحث العلمي - الكتابة الأكاديمية - الإشراف على الرسائل الجامعية - تقييم الكتب و المطبوعات