مدونة احمد عمر احمد عمر سالم غلاب

At the beginning of the meeting, let us get to know you more?

احمد عمر احمد عمر سالم غلاب | ahmed omar ahmed omar salem

04/08/2024 القراءات: 91  

Ahmed Omar Salem, from Egypt, Qena Governorate, I work as a senior library specialist, in education. 18 years of experience in the field of libraries and classification. She was loaned to the Egyptian Nile School in Qena for five years from 2011-2015. She trained 150 male and female teachers in the field of libraries and how to benefit from them. She obtained 170 certificates of appreciation from various governmental and non-governmental bodies. I was awarded the Ideal Teacher in the Teachers Syndicate in Qena, and I received medals and shields in the field of the Gifted and Intelligent Learning Department, and I also obtained the Ideal Specialist in Qena, the first at the governorate level.
"He created the first encyclopedia of the first in the first libraries in the world, and he developed the general number for the database of library books, and finally I invented the card (playing cards) classification in paper and electronic libraries. I write poetry and stories, and I have texts published in most local and international newspapers. I launched a group of initiatives, including the Egypt Gifted Day initiative, the World Gifted Day initiative, and the Donate a Book to the School Library initiative.
Returning to the topic of libraries, how did your relationship with libraries and books begin?
My relationship with libraries began when I was in high school, and I got to know them through the school library and doing some cultural activities, and I knew their importance, so I entered the Faculty of Arabic Language at Al-Azhar University in Assiut - Department of Documents, Information and Libraries, and because I love reading and poetry, I used to wander in the corridors of libraries and between the walls of the library. And her shelves, so I adored them like a mother adores her child. Through my work as a library specialist, I wrote the first encyclopedia of firsts in libraries, which was published on Google and some local and international newspapers talked about its importance. I developed the general number in the library’s book database, invented the classification card in paper and electronic libraries, and created an educational tool entitled (I am with me from with him).
Regarding the ranking card game, how did the idea for this game come about?
An idea for the game came when I was playing regular cards with my children, so I thought why not benefit from this game, as I saw that the Dewey Decimal Classification has ten divisions and the regular card has ten numbers. From one to ten, and Dewey's classification from 000 to 900. So I conducted an experiment on it, but what about the boy, the girl, and the old man? So I said that the girl is “Hathor”, who is the first librarian in ancient Egypt, and she is the master of librarianship, and she has many sciences, and she is the wife of “Thoth”, and I said that the boy’s name is “Melville Dewey”, an American by nationality, the inventor of classification in libraries and all libraries. The world with the classification of libraries according to the Dewey Decimal Classification,
As for the old man, he is “Thoth”, the first librarian in ancient Egypt, and he has many other sciences, and he is the husband of “Hathor”. So I made an educational entertainment game, meaning learn and play, learn and enjoy your time, and I used my field of specialization, which is libraries, to make cards for this game, and play it in the same way as the regular card game. I hope that it will replace this card game, and that it will be in every home or school, and in the world.
Who are you targeting through this game? What is its purpose?
It targets all segments of society, including students and ordinary people, at home, school, and the club, and it ranges from the age of six to ninety years, and it is, as I said, Entertaining educational game.
The purpose of this game is to obtain a group of cards with identical symbols, so that the team can win the round.
Our question now: What is the importance of the game?
This game benefits the student and introduces him to the science of classification in libraries, and teaches him to add large numbers, in addition to improving memory, developing movement skills, and relieving stress.
Is it a wave for a specific country or for all countries?
It is directed to all countries of the world, and I hope to translate it into all languages ​​of the world, so that everyone can benefit from it, play and learn.
What actions did you take in order to register this idea?
I went to the Ministry of Culture, registered it in my name, and obtained a number showing my ownership rights.
How do you see the future of this game?
I see it in every home and school, and within the reach of every person in the world, and that it replaces regular playing cards, and that it turns into an electronic game, and everyone who plays it knows cultural information, about who “Melville Dewey” is, who “Thoth” is, and w


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