عنوان المقالة:تقييم الأنشطة المضادة للسكري ومضادات الالتهاب لدواء بولي هيربال EVALUATION OF ANTIDIABETIC AND ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIVITIES OF A POLYHERBAL FORMULATION
The present study was taken with an objective of Evaluation of antidiabetic and Antiinflammatory activities of Polyherbal Formulation GLUCOSTAT. In this study the antidaibetic activity of PHF Glucostat was evaluated by using Alloxan Induced diabetes in rats model and Anti inflammatory activity was evaluated by Carragenan induced paw edema in rats model. In the Evaluation of antidiabetic activity the biochemical parameters of Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and HDL were estimated in the diabetes induced rats and compared among control and treatment groups proving that the PHF Glucostat had the potential antidiabetic activity. In the model of Carragenan induced paw edema model in rats the paw volume was measured at different intervels and compared among the control and treatment groups concludes that the PHF Glucostat possessing antiinflammatory activity
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