The present study is concerned with developing
detection method for avian infectious laryngotracheitis
(ILT) virus in Iraq using real-time PCR assay. Total of
64 clinically suspected birds believed to be infected
with ILTV , were chosen from 6 diverse commercial
poultry farms in several areas of North Baghdad. The
infected birds were examined and the tissue samples
collected from the lungs, spleens, tracheas of each
farm. The positive collected samples were used for
DNA extraction using High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit
(Patho Gene-spin DNA/RNA Extraction Kit) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. The extracted DNA
was immediately assayed via RT-PCR.
Tissues were presented to a real-time PCR assay for
detection of ILTV. The test is based on a fast and
sensitive real-time PCR method with the use of TaqMan
probes. The primers were designed to detect the
conserved region of G pathogenic proteins of ILTV.
Infectious laryngotracheitis virus is detected in fortytwo of forty-six clinically suspected birds within less
than 2hours.