سجل في أريد


  • تفاصيل التسجيل
  • تاريخ التسجيل: 4 سنة
  • الأسماء:Anas Qazzaz

  • المهارات
  • البحث معالجة البيانات Microsoft Office آردوينو

  • الجامعة / المؤسسة
  • الجامعة العراقية

من نفس الجامعة : 674
عرض الجميع

الموقع الشخصي

  • احصائيات الانشطة
  • معامل التواصل العلمي:1.02
  • نقاط النشاط التواصلي:0.90
  • عدد الزيارات:2361
  • عدد الاعجابات :0
  • المواضيع:0
  • المتابعون:0
  • المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0

نبذة مختصرة

Personal Data: Date of Birth: 01/09/1989 Gender: male Marital status: Married Nationality: Iraq Qualifications: Master of Electrical Engineering Specialization: Electronic Engineering University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering Division Grade: Very good Thesis Title: De-noising EMG Signal and Its Implementation for A Robot Arm Using 8051 Microcontroller Career Title: Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering / Faculty of Engineering / Iraqia University Certificate in teaching methods / a very good grade from the Center for Continuing Education / University of Technology Current position: Lecturer at Al-Iraqia University/Electrical Engineering Dept. Published Papers 1. Optimal wavelet filter for denoising surface electromyographic signal captured from biceps brachii muscle, Engineering and Technology Journal, University of Technology, Vol.33, Issue: 1 part(A), pages: 198-207, 2015. 2. A comparative study of ECG signal compression Techniques using Various transforms, IJARCSSE, Vol.5, Issue:6, June, 2015. 3. A comparative study of human faces recognition using principle components analysis and linear discriminant analysis techniques, Engineering and Development Journal, Vol.20, No.5, September, 2016. 4. Efficient Approach for De-Speckling Medical Ultrasound Images Using Improved Adaptive Shock Filter, Al- Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES), vol.20, No.5, November, 2017. 5. Efficient Filter for EEG Signal Using Non Local Mean Approach, Rafidain University College for sciences, Issue. 41, 2017. 6. Design and Implementation Surveillance Robot Using ATmega328 Microcontroller, Iraqi Journal of Information and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018. 7. Efficient and Robust Approach for Heartbeat Detection of ECG Signal, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 29, No. 08, 2050133 (2020). 8. Efficient and Robust Filtering Method for Medical CT Images, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 928, 2020. 9. Self-Powered 6LoWPAN Sensor Node for Green IoT Edge Devices, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 928, 2020. 10. PIXEL INTENSITY INDICATOR ALGORITHM USING 2D-DCT WATERMARKING FOR COLOURED IMAGE, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 4 (2020) 2438 - 2449. 11. Detection of H2S Gas Concentration in Oil Refinery Stations by Using Drone, Artificial Intelligence and Renewables Towards an Energy Transition. ICAIRES 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 174. Springer, Cham. Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects 1. Design and Implementation a Traffic Light Control System using Microcontroller Unit. 2. Image Denoising using Discrete Wavelet Transform. 3. Design and Implementation An ECG Monitoring System. 4. Denoising Medical Images. 5. Implementing Digital Filter for Speech Signal. 6. Design and Implementation of Wireless Mobile Robot using Microcontroller Unit. Practical Experience: • Implementation of Experiments in the field of Microcontrollers • Implementation of Experiments in the field of Microprocessors • Implementation of Experiments in the field of digital signal processing and communications • Implementation of Experiments in the field of analogue and digital electronics and electrical circuits • Proficiency in Matlab program • Proficiency in programming languages: C ++, Assembly, and visual basic • Proficiency in Multisim program Languages: • English • Arabic Subjects Taught by the lecturer Analog Electronic, Digital Electronic, Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessor, Real Time Systems, Power Electronic, Math, Control Systems, Electronics Physic, Electrical Circuits, Digital Communication, Computer Networks.

المؤهلات الاكاديمية


ماجستير في الهندسة الالكترونية
01/11/2011 - 19/12/2013


بكلوريوس هندسة الالكترونيك
01/09/2007 - 03/07/2011

النشاطات الأكاديمية

المصفوفات التماثلية القابلة للبرمجة موقعيا

تقديم ورشة عمل

ملاحظات مهمة في الشبكات والأنظمة

الاشتراك في تأليف كتاب

طريقة تصفية فعالة وكفوءة للصور المقطعية الطبية

نشر بحث في مجلة
الدولة:المملكة المتحدة

عقدة مستشعر 6LoWPAN ذاتية التشغيل لأجهزة Edge IoT الخضراء

مشاركة في مؤتمر/ندوة
الدولة:المملكة المتحدة

العناصر المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة

مشاركة في ندوة

امثل مصفي مويجي لتقليل ضوضاءاشارة التحفيز العضلي السطحية الملتقطة من العضلة العضدية ثنائية الرأس

نشر بحث في مجلة


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