عنوان المقالة:استخدام تقنية المقاومية الكهربائية والاستقطاب بالحث للكشف من الانابيب Pipes detection by using Induced polarization and electrical resistivity imaging techniques
Electrical resistivity techniques are considered to be the most applicable for
geological, geotechnical, environmental and archeological studies. The use of 2D and
3D resistivity surveys has enabled us to mapping complex geological, detecting
cavities, walls and other man-made structures that were not previously possible with
conventional 1D resistivity surveys.
ABEM Terrameter LS was used for data collection. The fieldwork was
conducted in Ministry of Since and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. The survey design is
based on choosing the electrode configuration taking into account available
information about the site and the advantages of the ERI technique.2D electrical
resistivity and IP imaging sections have been obtained. The data analysis comprises of
2D inversions using the RES2DINV software. The obtained data analyzed, and 2D
models of the subsurface was generated.For the fieldwork, two-dimensional surveying
was carried out along two profiles using Wenner and Dipole-Dipole arrays with length
of 40 m and electrode spacing 1. The max depth of penetration is ranged between 6 to
7 m.The IP values for the field site are ranging from (-2 to 18) mV/V with good
agreement with resistivity data, where high chargeability are associated with low