In this study the pollen morphology of 8 species belonging to 4 genera of family
Caryophyllaceae in Iraq: Holosteum glutrinsum F. et M. , H. umbellatum L., H.
liniflorum Stev , Sagina apetala L., S. saginoides (L.) Karst., Tunica pachygona
C.A.M., Telephium imperati L.and T. oligospermum Steud. et Boiss have been
investigated by aid of light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). In order to perform the pollen micro-morphology of Caryophyllaceae genera,
and to find its significance in taxonomy of the group, qualitative and quantitative
variables related to the shape, size, ornamentations and pores were studied. The shape
is mostly spheroidal and rarely prolate, apertures are mostly polyporate and rarely
tricolpate . Significate differences in grain size and pore number are also found in all
species, the small grins are in Sagina L. and Telephium L. species, whereas the
medium grains are Holosteum L. and Tunica (Hall) Scope species . Ornamentation
varies from spinulose-perforate, Scabrate-porforate or punctuate-perforate.