The properties of the ground and excited-state bands of 178-188Os nuclei have been studied. The ratio Ec/I has
been calculated as a function of the spin (I) to determine the ground-state evolution. The ratio between the energies of the
(I ? 2) and (I) states as a function of the spin (I) has been drawn to determine the property of the ground-state band. The
energy levels for the ground-state band of 178-188Os have been calculated using Bohr–Mottelson model, Interacting Boson
Model, interacting vector boson model and Doma–El-Gendy relation. The negative parity band of 178-188Os has been also
calculated using above models. The c-band of 178-188Os isotopes and b-band states of 178,182,184Os isotopes have been
calculated using Interacting Boson Model. The parameters of the best fit to the measured data are determined.