A total of 666 samples were collected from different sites of neonates, mothers and hospital environment.
Out of these, 490 samples were collected from both sexes neonates who ranged in age between one to ninety days that
were admitted to the Preterm Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Babylon Hospital for Pediatric and
Gynecology in Al – Hilla city, Iraq, during the period from March 2012 to February 2013. Neonatal samples included
Blood, Urine, CerebroSpinal Fluid and swabs from many different sources. A total of 74 samples were collected from
pregnant women and mothers in delivery room. Moreover, 102 samples were collected from hospital environment.A
total of 510 bacterial isolates were identified, Gram negative bacteria were the more frequent isolates 284(56%) than
Gram positive 226(44%).
Routs of etiologic bacteria of neonatal infections included Intrautrin, Intrapartum and Nosocomial Infections. Transmission
from mother was the most common rout with 56 isolates.