عنوان المقالة: ﺳﺮدﻳﺔ اﻟﺸﻌﺮ ﻓﻲ دﻳﻮان "منمنمات أليسا" للشاعر محمد القيسي He Rhetorical Poetry Verses by MUHAMMAD AL-QAISI in his Collection (MUNMNAMAT ALISA)
The contemporary rhetorical poetry with all its different fields, has the capacities of enrichments and diversities that helps the audience to interpret the meaning of the Verses in an easy way .So did the Palestinian poet Muhammad Al-qaisi in his poetry collection (Munmnamat Alisa) Mr. Qaisi had it approached to the point directly, by making the sentimentalism shared between the winged word (the verse) and the audience through the deductive approach. No doubt, Alqaisi's poems have the twinning nature between the (Rhetoric) and (poetry) to produce the meaning.