Fault ride through (FRT) is recognized as one of the most exciting topics in inspecting wind turbine performance. In this paper, the behavior of a DFIG offshore wind farm under fault circumstances is reviewed. Three case studies basing on the 3-phase fault location are taken into account. In this situation, the crowbar protection is primordial to prevent any over-currents in the rotor windings and to short the Rotor side converter (RSC) from the system. However, the use of this protection individually is insufficient and causes a lack of rotor speed and reactive power control. Here, the need for the internal model control (IMC) for the grid side converter (GSC) is essential to intensify the fault ride through capabilities of the DFIG. The simulation is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK. As the results show, the use of the IMC for the grid side converter with the crowbar protection boosts both the Fault ride through and the performance of the DFIG.
Grid side converter (GSC) Rotor side converter (RSC) Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) Internal model control (IMC) Wind turbine Fault ride through (FRT)