Abstract In this work, a typical hydrothermal synthesis to
grow long, high density, vertically aligned, well oriented and
homogenous TiO2 nanowires arrays and flower-like film on
conductive and nonconductive (glass) sides of fluorine doped
tin oxide (FTO-glass) substrate are presented. Under the same
conditions, the TiO2 nanowires arrays were directly grown on
the FTOcoated side.While the flower-like nanostructureswere
grown on the glass side. Two cleaned FTO-glass samples were
placed inside the autoclave cylinder. The samples were placed
at horizontal and inclined at 45 respectively. The average
diameter and length of nanowires are 150 nm and 7.0 lm
respectively. Also the average diameter of the prepared flowerlike
nanostructure of TiO2 is &5–10 lm. The flower-like
nanostructure growth was confirmed in the absence of FTO by
scratched linemade on conductive side. The optical propertied
of the TiO2 flower-like nanostructures was also investigated.
The synthesized products were characterized by SEM equipped
with EDS, XRD and UV–VIS NIR spectrophotometer.