The Iraq Universities Started to use automated systems in libraries and information
centers since the last century, and suffered periodically form using a few old systems,
including Baghdad University Libraries, It was difficult to find fit systems suitable to
their multiple needs, in addition to the problems of using equipment material and lack
of trained staff to accommodate dealing with regulations and new technologies
according to its environment.
Planning is the most important elements of any project's success and longevity, for
any project without prior planning process it will face problems and obstacles, and the
main question is whether there was prior planning regulations for the use of WINISIS
or CDSISIS at Baghdad University Libraries?
This research aimed to spot light on the reality of (24) College Libraries at Baghdad
University, reviewing the results of reluctance the Iraqi researchers of using
Baghdad university libraries resources, and their attitude towards e-libraries and web
services and their contents, this calls for reconsider how to rebuild a develop and
automated system to restructure Baghdad University libraries e-resources access by
using Baghdad University Libraries a typical Sample, an infrastructure for suitable
Solutions to build our e.society
تاريخ النشر
The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship 2013 Official Conference Proceedings