عنوان المقالة:التأثیر الوقائي لكل من زیت حشیشة اللیمون والكتلة الحیویة الفعالة على بعض المعاییر الفسیولوجیة لذكور الجرذان المختبریة المعاملة بخلات الیورانیل THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LEMON GRASS OIL AND EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISM (EM) ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN RATS TREATED WITH URANYL ACETATE.
Exposure to Uranium results in significant accumulation in most of vital organs and free radical
damage have been proposed as a cause of uranium induced tissue damage where oxidative stress is a
likely molecular mechanism This study is designed to evaluate the protection and effects of lemongrass
oil (Cymbopogon citratus) and Effective Microorganism (EM) in animals treated with 75 mg/Kg body
weight with uranyl acetate (UA) on some physiological changes that included lipid peroxidation (
Malondialdehyde MDA ) and some antioxidants levels ( Glutathione GSH) in rats. Evaluation of
lemongrass oil and EM in this respect was conducted in rats male divided into eight groups , each
group included five rats.Lemongrass oil and EM administrated to the rats ( Tow and Three groups) and
added with ( 75 mg/ kg) UA in other groups. (75 mg/kg) UA adiminstrated to rats positive group , were
the control group administrated with saline.The changes in oxidative stress by determination
Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Glutathione (GSH) in liver and in serum of each group.The results
showed that a significant increment ( p≤0.05) in the MDA of animals treated with 75mg/kg
UA(118.62±8.68) n mol/g)(5.33±1.21 µ mol/L) respectively and in the liver and in serum compare
with control(17.24±3.12 n mol/g)(1.52±0.57 µmol/L) respectively in the liver and in serum and a
significant reduction (p≤0.05) in GSH (4.83±2.64 n mol/g) (0.39±0.14 µ mol / L ) respectively in the
liver and in serum after twelve week of administrated compare with control (7.76±1.27 n
mol/g)(1.36±0.47 µ mol/L ) respectively in the liver and in serum In the light of the results lemongrass
and EM protect the whole body of animals against the oxidative stress induced tissue damage produced
due to exposure to uranium through the reduction of MDA levels in the liver and in serum and increase
in GSH levels in the liver and in serum compare with control in each period of experiment.