عنوان المقالة:الاكتئاب عند الاشخاص المسنين.خصوصياته الاكلينيكية وطرقه علاجه النفسية Depression in the elderly: clinical specificities and treatment modalities
The main goal of this article is to explore the effect of age on the onset of
depression in the elderly. Although depression is common in old age, it is largely
commonplace, underdiagnosed, and therefore undertreated. This work therefore
involves understanding the atypical symptomatology of senescent depression, its
course, and its psychotherapeutic modalities. The data presented in this study support
the hypothesis of a link between senescence and depression. Therefore, it is necessary
to understand the specificity of depression in the elderly in order to offer them
adequate treatment and to consider the possibilities of preventing or reducing the
prevalence of depression in the elderly. Specialized medical management of
depression in the elderly is an indisputable necessity, however, it must be
accompanied by the establishment of an expanded training program for qualified
personnel to overcome the shortcomings in the field.
تاريخ النشر
Arab Journal of Psychology /Vol. 6/ No. 1 / (2020) / العدد1 / 6 المجلد / المجلة العربية لعلم النفس