مدونة يسريه احمد على الهمشرى

ترجمة موال بدريه _الجزء الاول

يسريه احمد على الهمشرى | Yousreya Ahmed Ali Alhamshary

16/10/2020 القراءات: 4274  

صحيح ربي غفور لكن عذابه شديد بيمهل اللي ظلم وياخذه أخذ شديد
True that God is forgiving Yet, He may punish awfully. He may delay the oppressor Then, He seizes him painfully.
أوصيك ياعاقل متعملش اللي عمله شديد مع الأسطى عبد المجيد وبنته بدرية
O wise man! O you! I advise you not to do like what Shedid did with Mr Abdel Magid and his daughter Badreya, too.
الأسطى عبد المجيد وجباته حافظها راضي برزقه القليل والنعمة حافظها ونفسه ديما لفعل الخير لفعل الخير حِفزها
Mr Abdel Magid is, on his duties, an honest guard. Content with his little income and does safeguard. To do the good he always urges himself forward.
كسب رضا الكل بالمعروف ومكانته صحيح فقير حال لكن معتز بمكانته مالوش غير الدار فيها الدكان و مكنته لكن كرامته ما بين الناس حافظها
He is admired by all for his favors and dignity It’s true he is poor but he’s proud of his dignity He has nothing but a house with a shop where there’s a sewing machine to help. Amongst people he protects his dignity.
خياط وشاطر وصادق بالشرف وصفوه شربات حلاوة لسانه روقوه وصفَوه من عنده توب العروسة للعريس وصفوه
He’s a clever tailor; truthful and known for honesty. Sweet are his words; Like sherbet of high quality. From his shop a groom is advised to buy the dress for his bride;
كلف الكساوي حرير وايديه وضعاهم ومكسبه كان رضا الوالدين ودعاهم في كل ليله فرح يدعوه ودعاهم
dresses with silky hand-made laces with nice decoration. His gain was his parents’ pleasure and their invocation. At every wedding night he invites people and he accepts their invitation.
هو صفاهم بروحة الطيبة وصفوه هو صفاهم بروحة الطيبة وصفوه
He befriended them with his good soul; And likewise they befriended him all. He befriended them with his good soul; And likewise they befriended him all.
ونقى أحسن رجال من بلده ناسبهم عرف أصول الحسب الأشراف ناسبهم أهل التقى والكرم والجود ناسبهم
On marrying, he chose a wife from the finest family. Knowing the noble descent, he selected the noblest family. He married a wife from a family of piety and generosity.
وزوجته مؤمنه بنت إبراهيم عابدين في العز متمتعة لها في الديار ارضين وأمها صالحة وأهلها عابدين كانوا ليه مناسبين وهو كمان مناسبهم
Mo’mena the daughter of Ibrahim Abdeen is his wife. She had vast lands and she enjoyed a comfortable life. Her family name is the pious Abdeens and good is her mother. They match him, he matches them; they suit each another.
دي مؤمنه في الجمال مفيش مثال ليها علي العشرة مطبعه والعلم ما فارقها حُرة ووقال الأدب ديما مفاريقها دا رأيها المحترم كانت تقول وتثور
Mo’mena is second to none, gorgeous and so beautiful. She is used to abiding by fellowship .She’s knowledgeable. She’s a free woman. She always speaks politely. She expresses her opinions freely and bravely.
لا أدها غصن بان حلو الأوام وقصور
Tall, shapely and graceful is she; more beautiful than Moringa tree.
ووجه زي القمر لو تكشفه وتدور واللي يشوفها طول العمر ما يفارقها
With a moon-like face; if you see her, You will never want to leave her.
عبد المجيد عاش معاها سنين مخلفش عبد المجيد عاش معاها سنين مخلفش وغير رضا قلبها الطيب مخلفش وكان بيعطى لها الواجبات مخلفش
Abdel Magid has lived for years with no children Abdel Magid has lived for years with no children He didn’t seek anything but her pleasure, Fulfilled duties, never let her down. Never.
لأن قلبه الكبير بحبها مليان في سبيل علاجها كتير ياما صرف مليان يسعى لرضاها وضميره بالأمل مليان ولأمرها كان ديما طوع ما خلفش
As her love, to the brim, filled his heart, He spent in millions on her treatment. Seeking her pleasure with hopeful heart To her orders, he was a willing obedient.

الموال الشعبى - الفنان ابو دراع

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