عنوان المقالة:]دور طريقة الترجمة-النحوية في تطوير مهارات متعلمي الانكليزية كلغة اجنبية The Role of Grammar-Translation Method in Enhancing EFL Learning Skills
People intuitively have the ability to learn many different languages throughout several
different ways and techniques. Therefore, there are different methods that refer to how one can learn
foreign languages; one of these is the Grammar Translation Method (GTM).
Simply, the (GTM) is a method of teaching foreign languages where students learn
grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target and the
native languages. The main goals of this method are to enable students to read, understand and
translate written texts in the source language, and to further students' general intellectual
Thus, the main objective of using of (GTM) in EFL class is to learn another or a second
language through developing reading and writing skills, learning new vocabulary and grammatical
structure, and improving translation practice as its main procedure.
However, this paper investigates the use of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in foreign
language learning; its features, advantages and disadvantages, principles and techniques. It also aims
to show its role in learning new vocabularies, understanding the content of a text, and developing
language learning and translating skills.