أميرة محمد جلال درويش
Amira Muhammad Galal Darwish
[email protected]

مصر - الإسكندرية
أخرى أخرى
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/08/2020 ARID Registration Date :
نقاط النشاط التواصلي : 1.35 A-Index :
معامل التواصل العلمي : 1.04C-Index :
عدد الأوسمة: 3Badges :
البحوث المنشورة : 2Published Research :
عدد زوار الصفحة الشخصية : 1261Visitors :
المسجلون في المنصة عبر حساب الباحث : 0Registered Users through the researcher :

النبذة المختصرة

My primary research goals focus on developing modern technologies and methods for production of new types of Nutraceutical / Functional Foods by increasing beneficial health benefits and Food safety by hazard prevention via supplementation, substitution or preservation with; probiotic bacteria (isolated/ coded), microbial metabolites, plants and plant extracts. The primary focus is to enhance general health status maintaining economic and environmental sustainability. To achieve these goals, my program focuses on understanding; food analyses (chemical, microbiological, physical and sensorial), isolation and identification techniques of bacteria and fungi, functional properties assessment (nutritional, antimicrobial and antioxidant), validation tests (In vitro, tissue culture and In vivo), quality control assessments (mycotoxins, food pathogens). - 11 Lactic Acid Bacteria sequences submitted in GenBank - Scientific Editor and Reviewer for International Journals - Moderating, Organization, training and Presentations delivered at national and international conferences, seminars and workshops - Vice President of Arab Society of Fungal Conservation and member in number of international and national scientific societies. - Received a number of scientific awards, the most recent was, Mohamed Bin Zayed Award for Applied Research, 2018 and Scientific Research Encouragement Award Egyptian Society of Dairy Science


- تنظيم المناسبات - ريادة الأعمال - براءات الاختراع - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Office