This project aimed to evaluate the carbohydrate histochemical profile of indigenous rabbits at at different postnatal ages (1, 10, 15 and 40 days of age) were collected and set equally into four groups. histochemical staining techniques (PAS, Alcian blue, Aldehyde fuchsin and Toluidine blue). Microscopic findings revealed the presence of n small intestine in all studied ages. The sulfated acidic mucin was abundant in kits and suckling puppies while in older rabbits, the non sulphated mucin was the dominant type. Toluidine blue especially in the ileum. born kits and suckling puppies, but in older studied ages, the mixed neutral and sulphated acidic mucin and acidic mucin was dominant in the crypts of Lieberkühn. sulphated acidic mucin as well as intestine in 15 days aged preweaned rabbits. Because such developmental changes are required to parallel the fermentation process which start at this age in which the feed of animals included greenish type of food.