عنوان المقالة:طريقة صورة مستوى العتبة كفوءة لنظام التعرف على الكتابة اليدوية للغة العربية An Efficient Image Thresholding Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition System
Image preprocessing has assumed an essential part of handwriting recognition system. The
main primary stage of the image preprocessing is thresholding. An effective thresholding
method is based on Fuzzy C-Means clustering (FCM) for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
system (AHR) has been proposed in this paper. Since thresholding stage in AHR is imperative
to reduce the dimensionality of image to remove the undesirable information (noise) then
increase the processing speed of the AHR system. The algorithm is performing by feeding the
intensity of the pixel value of the image pixels into the FCM clustering algorithm. Exploratory
results with artificial and real life images show that the proposed method gives better accuracy
and good efficiency than the current methods.