عنوان المقالة:أهمية متغيري النفط والغاز في العلاقات الجزائرية-الأوربية 1956-2013 The importance of the oil and gas in Algerian-European relations 1956-2013
العربي العربي | larbi larbi | 1958
نوع النشر
أطروحة دكتوراه
المؤلفون بالعربي
العربي العربي
المؤلفون بالإنجليزي
larbi larbi
الملخص العربي
أطروحة دكتوراه علوم في العلوم السياسية تخصص علاقات دولية موسومة أهمية متغيري النفط والغاز في العلاقات الجزائرية-الأوربية للفترة الممتدة من 1956-2013. تضمنت الأطروحة الاكتشافات النفطية في الجزائر في خمسينيات القرن الماضي، وأهمية الصحراء في اتفاقيالت ايفيان بين المفاوض الجزائري والفرنسي واكراهات هذا المسار التفاوضي، إلى جانب حجم الصادرات الجزائرية إلى الاتحاد الأوربي من النفط والغاز وأهم المشاريع التعاونية الكبرى، هذا إلى جانب المشاريع الكبرى بين الضفتين في مجال الطاقة، وحتمية الانتقال نحو الطاقات المتجددة كبديل عن التبعية للمحروقات والتفكير في مرحلة مابعد النفط
الملخص الانجليزي
Relations between Algeria and the European Union are not recent, as they are a product of the historical period imposed by nature and geographical proximity between both of them is inevitable, but with different characteristics depending on the nature of the stage, according to the balance of power in the international arena to the considered phase, so we wanted this thesis to deal with the importance of oil and gas in Algerian – European relations since the discovery of oil in 1956, then natural gas later. We have tried in the first chapter to track these variables in order to determine the size of their impact on decision-making between Algeria and the European countries since the French presence in Algeria and try to keep the desert independent in order to exploit the wealth located there. However, Algeria in Evian negotiations stressed that Algeria is indivisible and will never split. This trend continued through the insurance policy for fuels that have played, and still play, a significant role in political, economic, and social stability. Then, we addressed in chapter II, the general tracks partnership programs from the Barcelona process, the European neighborhood policy and finally, the Union for the Mediterranean project and the location of energy within this partnership axis and its challenges. The last chapter is dealing with the future of the Algerian relations with the EU through Algeria's oil and gas reserves and thus its ability to respond to European demand through strategic partnership joint projects in the pipeline between Algeria and the European Union under the new approach by adopting the alternative; renewable energies in order to keep the environment far from current threats. In addition to this, the major challenges are facing the future of these relations in international competition and the risk of depletion of oil, as well as the weakness of vital sectors on the other hand. Are oil and gas specific grounds and important variables in Algerian foreign policy leading the European Union towards various issues?
تاريخ النشر
جامعة الجزائر 3- الجزائر
رقم المجلد
رقم العدد
الكلمات المفتاحية
النفط-الغاز- الجزائر-الاتحاد الاوربي-مسار برشلونة-الشراكة