- تفاصيل التسجيل
- تاريخ التسجيل: 2 سنة
- المهارات
- تقديم المقالات Microsoft Office Powerpoint
- الجامعة / المؤسسة
- احصائيات الانشطة
- معامل التواصل العلمي:1.04
- نقاط النشاط التواصلي:1.35
- عدد الزيارات:1701
- عدد الاعجابات :0
- المواضيع:0
- المتابعون:0
- المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0
نبذة مختصرة
Prof. Khanfar became the dean of faculty of Engineering and acting dean of faculty of Information Technology on 1-8-2021. He is the former dean of admission and registration (2015-2021). His career including serving ad assistant to vice president for academic affairs (2014-2015) and chair of Telecommunications engineering department (2012-2014). Prof. Khanfar received the BSc degree in Electronics engineering from Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestinian, in 2000. Then he received the M.S. degree in telecommunications and electronics engineering from the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of New Orleans (UNO), New Orleans, LA, USA, in 2009. He Joined Arab American University in 2010 as assistant professor with department of Telecommunications Engineering. Then he is promoted to associate professor. Currently he is a professor with the department of Telecommunication Engineering since 2020. His current research interests include thin-film solid states, characterization of devices (electrical, optical, and dielectric properties), mathematical modeling and Image/Signal Processing. Prof. Khanfar has more than 45 Thomson-ISI publications in electronics and Telecommunications.
ماجستير الالكتونيات والاتصالات
10/10/2001 - 12/01/2004
بكالوريوس هندسة الكترونية
01/11/1995 - 25/01/1999
النشاطات الأكاديمية
Design and Characterization of Yb/p-SiO2/(Yb, In) Thin-film Transistors for 5G Resonators
نشر بحث في مجلة
Al/MoO3/ZnPc/Al Broken Gap Tunneling Hybrid Devices Design for IR Laser Sensing and Microwave Filtering
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الدولة:الولايات المتحدة
Design and Characterization of MoO3/Mg/MoO3 Interfaces
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الدولة:الولايات المتحدة
Optical dynamics at the MoO3/ZnPc interfaces prepared for visible light communications
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Enhancement of Electrical performance of MoO3 films via Indium nanosandwiching
مشاركة في مؤتمر/ندوة
لا توجد تغريدات