دكتور/ رشاد محمد الصغير سليمان
Dr. Rashad Mohamed EL-Sagheer Soliman
[email protected]
مصر - القاهرة
جامعة الأزهر كلية العلوم بنين بمدينة نصر
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2020 ARID Registration Date :
نقاط النشاط التواصلي : 2.85 A-Index :
معامل التواصل العلمي : 1.07C-Index :
المتابعون: 1Followers :
عدد الأوسمة: 5Badges :
عدد زوار الصفحة الشخصية : 2919Visitors :
المسجلون في المنصة عبر حساب الباحث : 0Registered Users through the researcher :

النبذة المختصرة

Rashad M. EL-Sagheer is a lecturer of Mathematical Statistics at Mathematics Department Faculty of Science AL-Azhar University Cairo Egypt. Received his B.A. degree in Mathematics from Faculty of Science AL-Azhar University Cairo Egypt in 2004. He received Master's and PhD degrees in Mathematical Statistics from Faculty of Science Sohag University Egypt in 2011 and 2014 respectively. His areas of research where he has several publications in the international journals and conferences include: Statistical inference, Theory of estimation, Bayesian inference, Order statistics, Records, Theory of reliability, censored data, Life testing and distribution theory, Statistical computing and reliability analysis. He published and Co-authored more than 45 papers in reputed international journals. He supervised for M. Sc. and PhD students.


- ريادة الأعمال - التنمية الشخصية - تقديم المقالات - ضبط الحسابات - معالجة البيانات - الرسوم البيانية