The present study was carried out in Plant Tissue Culture laboratory Department of
Horticulture and Landscape Design, College of Agriculture and Forestry , Mosul
University, to propagatetwo Gladiolus cvs . White prosperity awhite flowers and Mascany
ared flowers by Tissue culture technique and using terminal and lateral non dormant buds
and cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA and
rooting the shoots produced in vitro from cultured on MS medium supplemented with
IBA atdifferentconcentrations , and to study the effect of sucrose and pp333on corm
productionfor rooted shoots . Data shoes that White prosperity have significant different
compared with Mascany for all parameters , terminal buds producedshootsmore than
lateralbuds, and terminal buds cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg / L BA
gave the highest average for shoots number and length at initiation and multiplication
stage and treatment at 1 mg/L BA give highest corm number, 4.0 shoot/explant obtained
from cultured terminal budson MS medium supplementedwith 0.5 mg / L BA and also
from cultured terminal budson MS medium supplementedwith 0.5and 1.0 mg / L BAfor
White prosperitycv. After eight weeks , while highest shoots number 3.5
shoot/explantedobtained from cultured terminal budsofMascanycv. on MS medium
supplementedwith BA at 0.5 mg/L. highestpercentagerooting 100% obtained from shoots
cultured for two cv. With average root number 19 root / explant with. highest length 4.45
cm for White prosperitycv. from cultured on MS medium half salt supplementedwith 1.0
mg / L IBA , while root number 21.8 and length 5.6 cm for Mascanycv. from cultured on
the same medium , 4.7 cormlet obtained from planting rooted shoots on MS medium
supplementedwith 120 gm sucrose with 10 mg/l pp333 , the study explain that there are no
significant different between plants produced from corms produced in vitro or corms
produced in field .
تاريخ النشر
9th International Conference for Sustainable Agricultural Development