لقد دلت نقلة الإنسان من "التكيفات البيولوجية الفطرية" إلى "التكيفات الحضارية الواعية" على تجربة الذات في محاولة تجاوز غريزتها، والتطلع إلى مداعبة أس ا ررها الباطنية في ص ا رعها المرير مع مقتضيات البيئة الاجتماعية. ولا شك في أن الذات الشاعرة في إيقاعاتها الجوهرية قد تمثلت مقولة الصوفية في يقينها العميق، وذلك عبر وجود المعنى الإنساني الملتحم بالحقيقة العليا التي تستلهمها المدركات الباطنية في مقربها من الممكن وتحويله إلى معتقد أصيل.
ومن ثمّ، يمكن اعتبار الرؤية الصوفية في الشعر العربي بوجه عام بحث ا مستم ا رً عن الرمز الإنساني في معناه الأسمى، ومحاولة وصل الذات بهذا المعنى لتأصيل جوهر إنسانية الإنسان من صفة، وخلق، وعمل بوصفه امتدادا روحيا لأصالة الذات في نشدانها العليائي، والمثال، عبر جدلها
الدائم مع الواقع القائم على العيان، والاستبصار، والتأمل
الملخص الانجليزي
This study investigates the mystical vision in modern Arabic poetry; by this I
mean a constantly on-going quest for a human symbol that is nothing but sublime. The
study also connects the self to such a meaning in order to identify the essence of the
humanity of man, characteristics, ethics, and action. Such an essence is a spiritual
extension of the authenticity of the self, which always aspires towards more sublimity.
Throughout the meaning, the self is situated in the process of negotiation with the reality,
which is based upon insightfulness and meditation.
In fact, both the poet and mystic have refused to deal with the visible effects that are
perceived by our senses, for they drown us in a pragmatic perception. Generally, the work
of creativity is conceived for the sake of the work per se. Instead, the process of creativity
should be taken into account in terms of meditation, discovering vision, in the mystical
sense, including concretes and transcending explorations. According to Henri Louis
Bergson appreciating arts is based upon the transformation from desire to meditation.
Moreover, both the poet and mystic have dealt mainly with the intrinsic while bringing
about a visionary unity with her or his subject. At this very moment, the poet and mystic
submit to the intuitional capacity, after many attempts to escape the body for celebrating
the ideals that could be discovered. A number of poetic texts shall be analyzed in the
context of the interaction between poetry and mysticism; for the latter is a systematic
introspection of a spiritual experience and an attempt to uncover the truth as well as
transcend the real existence of things