عنوان المقالة:الوصول الحر للرسائل الجامعية الإلكترونية: مشروع إتاحة الرسائل الجامعية لمعهد علم المكتبات والتوثيق Open Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertation
University libraries play an important role in providing sources of
information to beneficiaries to contain valuable sources of information.
Where scientific communication system knew drastic changes mainly in
the emergence of the movement of free access as a new model for
scholarly communication, leading to inevitable provision of scientific
and technical information online and access it.
Thesis is one of the sources of information of the University libraries,
which had made available for students and researchers to the
information and in-depth analysis, studies and research, and by
providing electronic catalogues for theses and providing access to the
full text of these messages by using the equipment and software.
The study aims to design a Web site for library science library and
documentation Institute (University of Constantine-2-) using the content
management system Joomla Joomla, with access to the index of the
thesis, we have created a database of thesis using the integrated library
management system open source PMB, which contains more than 250
electronic theses full text PDF, theses and dissertations.