Nebras Rada Mohammeda*, Hanaa Salih Sabaab and Sanaa Rasool Salimc
الملخص الانجليزي
The influence of Nd:YAG laser on Klebsiella pneumoniae
while effect of Beta, Gamma ray by utilizing Cs137 , Co60 ,
Sr90 , Na22 Tl and Cs137 . The exposure of was in dose
0.3863*10-8, Co60 in dose 1.826*10-8, Sr90 in dose 1.973*10-8,
Na in Gamma ray 0.31993*10-8 and 1.4157*10-8 in Beta ray in
3hr with done control, also exposing K.pneumoniae into
Nd:YAG laser in Wavelenghth1064A° in 500, 1000,1500
pulse between each pulse 6 second with triplicate .Results of
exposing Nd:YAG laser and Beta ,Gamma radiation on
viability of K. pneumoniae resistant colistin were counted was
become fewer than control (outwardly exposition to laser and
radiation) with high proportion of killing. Nd:Yag laser and
Beta, Gamma radiation were efficient for killing K.
pneumoniae resistant colstin that cause several infection to
human and may be cause death.