عنوان المقالة:بيئه التعليم الميداني والعوامل الموثرة من وجهات نظر طلاب التمريض Clinical learning environment and the influential factors from nursing students perspectives
Clinical environment is all that surrounds the nursing student within clinical areas, such as
places, resources, staff skills, patients, peer group and nursing tutors.
Aim: to assess the clinical learning environment and the influential factors from nursing students
Methodology:A descriptive study is carried out in Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University at the end of
1stsemester(2015-2016).The samplecomprised of (183) out of the total number of 2ndyear nursing
students. Data was collected using the Clinical Learning Environment Inventory, Obstacles to Learning
Clinical Skills tools and analyized by using a descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies, percentages,
mean and standard deviation and independent t-test using (SPSS v.16).
Results: The average score of total clinical learning environment scale was (112.3 ±14.0) from the total
score(168), and about from 50% to 86% of the students' had a negative opinionstowards theirclinical
learning environment,and majorityof them 72.2% were moderately satisfied.Although the mean scores of
clinical learning environment domains were higher in some domains,nostatistical differences were found
between the respondents viewpoints depend on age groups (p>0.05). Moreover,it was found that the
mean scores of clinical learning environment domains were higher in females than males but no statistical
differences were found between the students opinions based on gender except in the following domains:
task orientation and teaching innovation only(17.2±3.4,16.1±4.0;15.7±3.1,15.3±3.9) respectively. The
most significant obstacles which faced the students during clinical learning were lack of educational
facilities (69.3%), and the least was interference between the training schedule with other trainers
Conclusion: There are significant obstacles and challenges that face nursing students in clinical learning
environment, all of which could influence their learning and competencyafter graduation.