This study aim to explore the use of video games in education their advantages and
disadvantages. So what is a Video game? But a set of problems in a certain area that
needs to be solved in order to advance, for example the game Civilization is a set of
problems in history, Fallout 4 is set of problems in survival. All video games have a
different set of problems that need solving in order to win or advance. Strategy
games are the hardest kind of games, due to their complex design and nature with
hundreds of variables and many outcomes. If a kid finishes these games on hard
after thirty hours of game play, we do not give them a test to assess their
understanding of the game because we trust this complex design of the game (Gee J.
P., 2011). We have evolved to design and teach this complex games, so the next step
of our evolution is to create a learning experience that immersive, deep, and rich
with information.
تاريخ النشر
IJOER: International Journal of Engineering Research-Online