عنوان المقالة:الرغبة في ايقاف التدخين والعوامل المسببة للرجوع اليه عند الرجال الدخنين من العراقيين Attitude to Smoking Cessation and Triggers to Relapse among Iraqi Male Smokers
هناك علاقة وثيقة بين التدخين والعديد من الامراض وقد لوحظ عودة عددمن تاركي التدخين الى التدخين في العراق لذلك تناولنا قابلية المدخنين العراقيين فيما يتعلق بالتوقف عن التدخين واسباب العودة اليه . تهدف هذه الدراسة الك معرفة مدى قابلية المدخنين لوقف التدخين ومعرفة العوامل التي تؤدي للعودة الى التدخين
الملخص الانجليزي
Background: Smoking is related to many diseases, and the relapse to smoking after cessation in Iraq is
noticeable. We examined the attitudes of Iraqi male smokers regarding smoking cessation and reasons
for relapse.
Objective: The aim of this study is to asses the ability of Iraqi male smokers to stop smoking and
factors that lead to relapse after cessation.
Method: We interviewed 200 male smokers in Babylon town, Najaf town, Iraq who had tried to quit
smoking at least once in order to identify reasons for quitting and situations triggering relapse.
Results: The most significant reported reasons for quitting included personal health (37.5%), the
advice and example from other (22.5%), and family pressures to quit (12.5%). The most common
factors triggering relapse were social situations (27.5%), feeling negative or down (17.5%) and times of
being alone (10.0%).
Conclusion: Health and family concerns, personal factors, the influence of others and a lack of
cessation resources were cited as salient factors concerning smoking cessation among male smokers in
this study. Effective smoking control efforts in Iraq will require attention to these influences if Iraq is
to curb its current smoking epidemic.