- تفاصيل التسجيل
- تاريخ التسجيل: 8 سنة
- الأسماء:
- المهارات
- الجامعة / المؤسسة
جامعة طرابلس
- احصائيات الانشطة
- معامل التواصل العلمي:1.02
- نقاط النشاط التواصلي:0.90
- عدد الزيارات:3858
- عدد الاعجابات :0
- المواضيع:0
- المتابعون:0
- المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0
نبذة مختصرة
Prof. Dr. Abdurazzag Ali Aburas received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences Tripoli University, Tripoli-Libya in 1987. He obtained his Master degree in Computer & Information Technology and PhD in Digital Image Processing from Dundee University and De Montfort University, UK in 1993 and 1997 respectively. He worked in Jordan and UAE universities for five years, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia and International University of Sarajevo. At present time, he is working as full Professor at Tecnológico De Monterrey, San Luis Potosi Campus. He has more than 50 publications in different international conferences and several papers in international journals. He has got two research patents in Image processing filed. Recently, he gives consultation for IT Company as senior software developer. His areas of research interest are Curriculum development, Digital Signal / image / video processing, Coding
Data Compression schemes for Pattern Recognition in Digital Images using Fractals
01/01/1997 - 01/01/1997
التخصص:علوم التقنية والمعلوماتية
The Emulation of the Flight Single Board Computer System
01/01/1993 - 01/01/1993
الخبرة التدريسية
Computer science and Engineering
01/01/2000 - التدريس الحالي
النشاطات الأكاديمية
Free Prescription medicine Machine
تسجيل براءة إختراع
Free Prescription medicine Machine-FPMM
تسجيل براءة إختراع
Human Mobile Interaction-HMI: Non-Traditional Interfaces
تأليف كتاب
Challenges in Engineering Curriculum
تأليف كتاب
2) Isolated Handwritten Characters Recognition Based on Standard Image Compression (Arabic characters)
حقوق النشر
المشاريع العلمية
Free Prescription Medicine Machine
01/01/2018 - 01/01/2018
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