د.جمال حميد وهيب * ، توفيق وسمي محمد ** ، سعد عبد الوهاب رزوقي
الملخص العربي
The improvement of any power plant
needs to know what the components that
depending on it. In the case of wind plant, it
is necessary to know the behavior of the
wind. There are several factors affect on the
wind state such as velocity, temperature and
flow direction. Power of the wind can be
extracted by allowing it to blow past moving
wings that exert torque or rotor. The wind
profiles show that the wind energy
conversion device with a certain amount of
confidence to extrapolate better wind speed
taken at a height more than (10 m) [1].
Solar power is the technology of
obtaining usable energy from sun light. The
advantages of used renewable energies
(solar and wind) are; no pollution, no fuel
needed and low costs [2]. It is clear that the
using of solar energy at latitudes with higher
levels of radiation will improve the
performance of wind system and make it
possible to cover loads with smaller and less
expensive systems. Attempts to
parameterize the solar radiation received at
the ground are made for the global radiation