Background: Female genital mutilation/cutting has both physiological consequences, including short- and long-term effects. The approach used to perform the procedure may influence sexual issues. Disorder affecting any aspect of female sexual function, such as desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, orgasm, sexual discomfort, or any person suffering during the sexual act, is referred to as female sexual dysfunction.
Aim: The present study was carried out to assess effect of FGM among married women on their sexual issues.
Subject & Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. The study population consisted of 2837 females in family health centers (FHCs) in different sitting at Beni-Suef.
Tools: Α Structured Interviewing Questionnaire sheet was used to collect data and reasons for practicing or refusing FGM/C. Female Sexual
Function Index (FSDI).
Results: Mutilated females constituted 71.4% of the studied females, 29.7% suffering from complication after FGM. 56% had a misconception that FGM/C does not affect the woman’s sexual satisfaction. The mean scores on various domains of married women only were as follows: desire (5.3186; SD±1.728), arousal (12.65; SD±3.546), lubrication (14.24; SD±4.271), orgasm (10.93; SD±3.087), satisfaction (12.19; SD±3.435), pain (9.6432; SD±2.628). The total mean score was (59.79; SD±14.08).
Conclusion: Most circumcised married women had unfavorable FSFI scores and were considered to have sexual dysfunction. A significantly higher Desire, Arousal, Lubrication, Orgasm, Satisfaction, and total score among not circumcised married participants than circumcised ones but the Pain domain didn’t differ significantly between circumcised, and not circumcised.
Recommendation: Design and disseminate brochures work on the sexual effect of female genital mutilation in health centers and hospitals.