عنوان المقالة:دراسة تأثیر عوامل مختلفة في بعض مؤشرات التقییم لمنظومة ري بالرش الثابت* STUDYING THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FACTORS IN SOME PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR STATIONARY SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM
أجریت الدراسة في حقول كلیة الزراعة والغابات في بدایة عام ٢٠٠٨
٣ و ٢ یین ٩٠ و ١٨٠
المرشات بثلاث مستویات ١٤٤ و ٢١٦ و ٣٢٤ م ٢
% أعطاء أعلى معامل لانتظام توزیع الماء وتناسق التوزیع ٨٢.٦١٢ % للمعامل و ٧٢.١٥١
% ١٨٠ ا ا ٨١.٧٨٨
١٤٤ م ٢ ت فوقا ا % و ٧١.٦٧٩
% ٢١٦ و ٨٢.٨٤٥ ٣٢٤ % و ٧١.٦٠٨
التداخل بین العوامل الثلاثة أعلى قیمة لمعامل انتظام توزیع الماء عند ضغط ٣ بار وارتفاع ١٨٠ سم ومساحة
مرویة ١٤٤ م ٢ حیث بلغت القیمة ٨٧.٢٦٦ % و ٧٦.٨٦٦ % لتناسق التوزیع.
This study loan conducted in the fields of Agriculture and forestry collage in
the beginning of 2008 to investigate the effect of pressure 3 and 2 bar, spray nozzle
heights 180 and 90 cm and the irrigated area between sprayer 144, 216 and 324m2
and the interaction effect of the three previous factors on the coefficient of water
distribution uniformity (UC) and distribution uniformity (DU). The randomized
block design and Duncan's multiple range were tested for the comparison between
the used means. Results showed that there were significant differences among the
three factors, the pressure 3 bar gave the highest coefficient of water distribution
uniformity and distribution uniformity, The height 180cm gave the highest
coefficient and highest distribution uniformity and the under area gave the highest
coefficient and distribution uniformity. The interaction among the three (sparer 3
bar, height 180 cm and the smolar area) gave the highest coefficient of water
distribution which was 87.266% and highest distribution uniformity which was