International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics
The natural radioactivity in soil of Nineveh Province has been studied in this paper. The radioactivity of
19 soil samples were determined by gamma spectrometry using NaI (Tl) detector .The activity of radionuclide's,
238U,232Th ,226Ra and 40K ranged from 21.25 to 58.13Bq/kg , 11.22 to 31.63Bq/kg, 17.02to 40.98 Bq/kg and from
206.51 to 509.56 Bq/kg respectively. The activity concentrations for these radionuclide's were compared with world
average activity of soil, it found that the average of activity concentrations of 238U and 226Ra are higher than world
average value while the activities of 232Th and 40K are found to be lower. In order to evaluate the radiological
hazard of the natural radioactivity, the radium equivalent activity, the absorbed dose rate, the annual effective
dose rate, internal and external hazard indices and finally, gamma index have been calculated. The study provides
background radioactivity concentrations in Nineveh Province