عنوان المقالة: 1. Communication’s role in safety management and performance for the road safety practices. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. UK vol. 3 • no. 1 • 2014 – pages 79 – 94. IJTST
Communication among organizations could play an important role in increasing road safety. To
get in-depth knowledge of its role, this study measured managers’ and employees’ perceptions of
the communication’s role on six safety management and performance criteria for road safety
practices by conducting a survey using a questionnaire among 165 employees and 135 managers.
Path analysis using AMOS-19 software shows that some of the safety management road safety
practices have high correlation with the safety performance, namely, from the six antecedents,
only the safety training and safety promotion, closely correlate with the safety motivation, and
only safety commitment, safety communication and feedback have close relations with the safety
knowledge and safety behavior compliance, and only safety feedback has effective relations with
the safety participation. Safety feedback is identified as the most important safety management
issue to road safety practices and it would predict the level of safety knowledge, safety
motivation, safety compliance and safety participation. The results of this study would help the
concerned agencies/orgaizations in improving their ability to assess the road safety indicators
and to the future development of the safety performance management for road safety practices
in these agencies.
Publication Date
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology