عنوان المقالة:Liquid Ion Exchange Method for Extraction of Pb (II) as Anion by Using 15C5 Coupled with Spectrophotometric Determination in Different Samples
Safa Majeed Hameed, R. K. Al-Kubaisy and Khalil Ibraheem Hussain
Separation and extraction of chloroanion complex of Pb2+ by using crown ether 15C5 had been
investigated. This study includes determined hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride concentrations in
aqueous phase and Pb2+ ions concentration as well as shaking time, organic solvent effect, interferences,
electrolyte salts and methanol effect. Thermodynamic parameters shown the ion exchange reaction was
exothermic. In addition stoichiometry study shown that the ion pair complex extracted was 1:1:1 Cation:
Ligand: Anion. UV-spectrum of extracting complex show λmax=241nm. 15C5 used as spectrophotometric
reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of Pb2+ in different samples, %RSD=0.00672, D.L=
5.04483×10-5 ppm, ε= 2057.85 L.mol-1.cm-1, Sandell’s Sensitivity= 4.86×10-7 μg/cm2.