عنوان المقالة:الابدال في معاني السببية لبعض ادوات وحروف الجر العربية مع الإشارة إلى آيات قرآنية مختارة: تحليل لغوي Alternative Causal Meanings of Some Arabic Particles and Prepositions with Reference to Selected Qur'anic Verses: A Semantic Analysis
الدكتورة شفاء محمد عبدالله العزاوي | Dr. Shifaa Mohammed Abdullah | 15259
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
شفاء محمد عبدالله العزاوي و سوسن الساعدي
English Authors
(Shifaa Aِِl-Azzawi & Al-Saaidi, S. (2014.
Abstract This paper investigates the concept of causality as a linguistic phenomenon, usually defined in terms of the relation of two events, states or situations where one of them causes and /or represents a result, an effect or concession of the other. Causality can be expressed by using particles and prepositions. These particles and prepositions – separable and inseparable – have different or secondary meanings besides the major one. These meanings can be interpreted according to the context in which they occur. This paper attempts to scrutinize the primary meaning and the secondary meaning of causal meaning of some particles and prepositions. Specifically, the coexistence of many possible meanings for some particles and prepositions is examined in certain selected Qur‟anic verses highlighting some semantic aspects that have an impact on identifying causal meaning. The paper concludes that Arabic particles and prepositions have a very important function and are useful in sustaining those aspects elements related to semantic aspects in the translation of the Quran through a discussion of the alternative and semantic variations of particles and prepositions.
Publication Date
مجلة اللغة الانكليزية في العالم العربي
Volume No
Issue No
208 -221
External Link
السببية ، الاستبدالية، ادوات وحروف الجر العربية ، الايات القرانية، تحليل لغوي