عنوان المقالة:تأثیر بعض عوامل النمو في إنتاج حامض الجبرلیك بوساطة عزلة محلیة للعفنFusarium moniliforme EFFECT OF SOME GROWTH FACTORS ON GIBBERELLIC ACID PRODUCTION FROM WILD STRAIN OF Fusarium moniliforme
نهان بهاءالدين جعفر | Nehan Bahaaldden Jafar | 12932
- Publication Type
- Journal
- Arabic Authors
- نھان بھاء الدین جعفر البیاتي
- English Authors
- Nehan B. J. Al–Bayati
- Abstract
- This study showed that the addition of certain compounds separately such as KH2PO4 , K2SO4 , corn steep liquor or yeast extract had affected gibberellic acid production from wild strain of Fusarium moniliforme. Corn steep liquor at the concentration 0.25 gm/L gave 92.31 mg/L of gibberellic acid, while potassium sulphate at the concentration 0.20 gm/L gave 91.95 mg/L of gibberellic acid, potassium dihydrogen phosphate gave the highest production where reached 93.48 mg/L especially at the concentration 0.5 gm/L, at the concentration 1.5 gm/L yeast extract gave 93.15 mg/L of gibberellic acid. The initial pH for highest production of gibberellic acid was 5.5 . The optimal incubation temperature to produce highest yield of acid was 30° C.
- Publication Date
- 12/1/2008
- Publisher
- Mesopotamia J. of Agric.
- Volume No
- 36
- Issue No
- 2
- 1815–316X
- Keywords
- حامض الجبرليك- Fusarium moniliforme- عوامل النمو