عنوان المقالة:تطبيقات النانوتكنولوجي في الطاقات المتجددة Applications of nanotechnology in renewable energies—A comprehensive overview and understanding
البحث دراسه موسعه حول تطبيقات النانو في الطاقات المتجددة
One of the great technological challenges in 21st century is the development of renewable energy
technologies due to serious problems related with the production and use of energy. A new promising
area of research grows rapidly which is called Nanotechnologies are considered nowadays one of the
most recommended choices to solve this problem. This review aims to introduce several significant
applications of nanotechnology in renewable energy systems. Papers reviewed including theoretical and
experimental works related with nanotechnology applications in solar, hydrogen, wind, biomass,
geothermal and tidal energies. A lot of literature are reviewed and summarized carefully in a useful
tables to give a panoramic overview about the role of nanotechnology in improving the various sources
of renewable energies. We think that this paper can be considered as an important bridge between
nanotechnology and all available kinds of renewable energies. From the other side, further researches are
required to study the effect of nanotechnology to enhance the renewable energy industry especially in
geothermal, wind and tidal energies, since the available papers in these fields are limited