عنوان المقالة:العلاقة بين مهارات التفكير الإبداعي والنقدي (دراسة تحليلية في فلسفة الفنون الجميلة) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS (ANALYTICAL STUDY IN FINE ARTS PHILOSOPHY)
This paper deals with the subject of creative thinking and critical thinking, which raises a number of hypotheses about creative thinking factors can be grouped under three include: cognitive abilities, productive capacity and capabilities of the assessment.
It also deals with the relationship between creative thinking and critical thinking skills, where the skills of critical thinking is divided into three categories inductive thinking skills, thinking skills and deductive skills assessment thinking. It also deals with the relationship between creative thinking and intelligence.
When trying to explain the aesthetic values where it meets the artistic creativity and philosophy through phenomena or aesthetic currents in the color of the colors of aesthetic expression is the freedom of creativity, in connection with the cultural-effects of the natural environment and socialization, gender, etc., have been involved in the interpretation of the philosopher, which means the values of freedom, beauty , right, and charity, and sociologist who teaches Anthropology or technical phenomena through social construction, which means that the interpretation of artistic activity through the psychological behavior and his proficiency to respond.
Search follows the analytical method in determining the relationship between the skills of creative and critical thinking through Creative thinking and critical thinking study and Creative Thinking factors
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