Mohammed Mobark Salih, Mohammad G. S. Al-Safi, Faiaz Hassan Ali
The main idea of any stream cipher algorithm is to generate stream cipher key base on the use set of
LFSR with fix arrangement, all this LFSR are filling depending on the value of the basic key. In this paper we
implement new technique base on dynamic stream cipher algorithm. In this algorithm we implemented dynamic
stream cipher algorithm which base on idea of changing the structure of the LFSR with each change in BK and
MK to get complex ciphering algorithm this is done by use a bank of LFSR store in file and we select random 10
register that is used in algorithm to generate the key. We implement Basic Efficient Criteria on Key Generator
(KG) to test the result which is store in binary files. Three sample of key generation (KG) store in the binary file
are test and all the sample is pass the test.