Jasim Abd Ali ,Ahmed Majeed Al-Shammari and Hamoody Abd Al-Hameed
تستنج هذه الدراسة بوجود فعالية مضادة للفايروسات لمادة الليمونين ذات الاصل النباتي حيث اضهرت امكانية علاج الخلايا المصابة بفايروس النيوكاسل بنسبة 35% وهو مايعطي امل بامكانية انقاذ الاقتصاد الزراعي من خلال تقليل الخسائر الناجمه عن هذا الفايروس في الدواجن وبالتالي حماية الثروة الحيوانية.
In the past few years, numerous plant-derived phytochemicals were tested for their anti-viral effect in order to find effective drug to control viral infections. Triterpenoids such as limonin showed promising antiviral properties. Our current work examined the possible anti-Newcastle disease virus (NDV) proliferation of limonin. NDV is an extremely contagious and economically vital poultry virus. For this aim, limonin ability to reduce NDV cytotoxicity on human rhabdomyosarcoma, human cervical carcinoma and Vero monkey kidney cell line in culture are described. Viral gene and protein expressions of two important structural proteins, matrix (M) mRNA and haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of NDV were studied. Matrix mRNA were analyzed using qRT-PCR.